„Without art, how else would we survive beauty“ Lara Konrad, Schriftstellerin_München 11.1.2021

Liebe Lara, wie sieht jetzt Dein Tagesablauf aus?

Dear Lara, what’s your routine at the moment?

Since I spend most of my days writing, my daily task to bathe in solitude hasn’t changed all that much. I take a lot of long walks these days; sometimes taking a friend with me by calling them over the phone.

my daily task to bathe in solitude hasn’t changed all that much.

Lara Konrad Schriftstellerin

Was ist jetzt für uns alle besonders wichtig?

What’s particularly important for us all in this moment?

The same that has always mattered most: compassion.

Vor einem Aufbruch und Neubeginn werden wir jetzt alle gesellschaftlich und persönlich stehen. Was wird dabei wesentlich sein und welche Rolle kommt dabei der Literatur, der Kunst an sich zu?

New start, new beginning. What will be essential and which roles will dance, theater and art play?

Without art, how else would we survive beauty.

Was liest Du derzeit?

What are you reading?

I’m reading two books at the moment: Anne Carson’s “Plainwater” and “Heaven” by Emerson Whitney.

Welches Zitat, welchen Textimpuls möchtest Du uns mitgeben?

Which quote, imput or text will you propose?

Every wound is one step closer to home.

Thank you very much for the Interview, dear Lara, much success for your wonderful literature projects, all the best in these days!

Five questions on artists:

Lara Konrad, poet

Lara Konrad

Foto_Lara Konrad

11.1.2021_Interview_Walter Pobaschnig. Das Interview wurde online geführt.


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